The idea of “Clot” Vermouth was born in a bodega in a neighbourhood of Barcelona, precisely El Clot, where while drinking the local vermouth we imagined how nice it would be to produce our own in Piacenza. Vermouth has its roots in Piedmont from which it then spread to Italy and the world.
For this reason the practical realization took place in Silvano d’Orba, thanks to the skills of the distillery Gualco. Together with the manager of this beautiful distillery, we have calibrated the spices and aromatic herbs for months to best enhance the typical wines of Piacenza such as Ortrugo (70%) and Gutturnio(30%) at the base of our Vermouth.
The main herb, a must in any recipe for vermouth, is absinthe (Artemisia Absinthium) used together with citrus peel, cloves, juniper, rhubarb … and sugar.
Clot is suitable both as an aperitivo and ideal to mix for very delicate cocktails.
Vermouth Clot