
Hourse Guided tour / Tastings

Monday to Friday: 9:00 to 12:00 / 14:00 to 18:00
Saturday and Sunday: 10:00 to 12:00 / 14:00 to 18:00

How to get

From the A 21 (Torino-Piacenza) exit at Castel San Giovanni; and maintain the SPR 412 direction Nibbiano – Passo Penice.
Pass the village of Borgonovo Val Tidone and joints at Trevozzo, instead climb over the river Tidone in direction for Pianello,
turnright towards Sala Mandelli, up the hilla few Km.

From the A 1 (MI-BO) exit at Piacenza Sud
or West and follow the signs for Borgonovo Val Tidone,
from here, continue towards Nibbiano – Passo Penice, and once they arrive in Trevozzo instead climb over the river Tidone Pianello, turn right towards Sala Mandelli, up the hill a couple of kilometers


Azienda Vitivinicola La Torretta
di Corrado Marchesi
Località Torretta
29010 Trevozzo Val Tidone (PC)
Tel-Fax 0523 997008
Cell. 3286698277
P.IVA 00369500335
